Credentials API


This API can be used to request new or replacement credentials or to update existing credentials, for example to prevent automatic renewal. It uses anonymous Identifiers (AnonId) to identify resources. If you are using non-unique anonymous identifier values, this API will be used only for requesting new credentials. Other operations must be performed using the Requests API.

All requests to this API require your Service Authentication Certificate (SAC) to be supplied for two way TLS authentication.

Note: For MacOSX developers see Using cURL on MacOSX

Response object

When a request is successful, all endpoints in this api will respond with a JSON object that is as follows:

    "AnonId":"<AnonId for the User>",
Name Type Description
AnonId string The unique anonymous id for this credential
RequestId string A unique identifier for this certificate request
PreventCollection boolean True: This credential cannot be collected. False: Collection of this credential is possible.
Status string The collection status of this credential the possible values for this are Requested, Collected and Expired
RequestedDate string The date and time that this credential was requested at
CollectedDate string The date and time that this credential was collected at

POST /credentials

Requests a new credential for a user with the given Anonymous Identifier (AnonId).

All parameters must be supplied in a JSON body for this request.

Example input

{"AnonId":"<AnonId for User>"}
Name Type Description
AnonId string A unique anonymous id generated by you for the user requesting a credential

cURL example

curl -d '{"AnonId":"AnonId for User"}' -E ./SAC.pem:<SAC Password> -v

GET /credentials/{anonId}

Gets information about an existing credential that has the provided anonId.

cURL example

curl<AnonId> -E ./SAC.pem:<SAC Password> -v

POST /credentials/{anonId}/replace

Requests a replacement for an existing collected credential, that is not currently expired, for a user identified by the given Anonymous Identifier (anonId). This action cannot be undone.

{anonId} is the AnonId of the credential to be replaced.

Note: Replacing a credential will not consume an additional licence, and the replacement credential will be set to expire at the same time as the credential it replaces

Example input

{"AnonId":"<New AnonId>"}
Name Type Description
AnonId string Optional: A unique anonymous id generated by you for the user requesting a replacement credential. If no AnonId is provided then the AnonId of the users previous credential is used.

cURL example

curl<Current AnonId>/replace -d '{"AnonId":"<New AnonId>"}' -E ./SAC.pem:<SAC Password>

PATCH /credentials/{anonId}

Updates the provided fields for a credential.

Currently the only field that can be updated via this API is PreventCollection.

Preventing the collection of a credential may be useful if you have a need to prevent an existing users credential from automatically renewing after 1 year.

{anonId} is the AnonId of the credential to be updated.

Example input

{"PreventCollection":true | false}
Name Type Description
PreventCollection boolean True: This credential cannot be collected. False: Collection of this credential is possible.

cURL example

curl -X PATCH<Current AnonId> -d '{"PreventCollection":"true"}' -E ./SAC.pem:<SAC Password>